Democrat Political Elites in Nevada Claim Victory Over Gobbledygook. Again!
Nevada Do-nothing Politicians allow Crisis to get Worse
The one thing you can always count on with Senators Cortez Masto and Rosen, plus Nevada Representative Susie Lee is planting the flag of victory over dubious political accomplishments.
Evapotranspiration is a term which means the evaporation of water from ground and plant surfaces. A big word to use for a reintroduced bill, The Open Access Evapotranspiration Data Act, which the Nevada elected officials celebrated at the end of March. That’s right, they celebrated data.
Somehow, allowing this simple evaporation data to be widely used by the public (which begs the question as to why it was secret), will solve the issue of drought in the West and equally, Climate Change. Our revered politicians forget that farmers and ranchers have been utilizing water for hundreds of years. They understand the basic concept that heat evaporates water. My guess is that these good people are aware that cooler weather may produce rain and snow.
To survive drought, there needs to be brick and mortar infrastructure in levies, dams, and aquifer recharging. If you want to restore water levels to the Hoover Dam, cut back California’s water allocation and pipe desalinated water from the Gulf of California to Arizona and California. None of these proposed actions require previously secret satellite data and curious words like evapotranspiration, which I am not sure even a nerd would use. Preparing to survive drought is a big fight that will require toughness and grit, and it must start somewhere, but it needs to be started.
These elected officials who represent Nevada in the U.S. Congress do not know what to do when it comes to water in Nevada, so they make up progress reports, which say nothing, and release them to the press. Evapotranspiration. Gobbledygook. The flag of victory is planted.
Barry Lindemann
Middle Class American
Former Candidate for Nevada’s U.S. Senate